Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Need Your Help, Please

Dear Diary, It's not looking good. I over heard people talking. They said "I just got off the phone with Dr. Lambeida who did a second biopsy on the huge tumor on Maggie's neck. It is most likely a Thyroid gland tumor. Whether or not it is cancerous is hard to tell but as her blood work did show some major abnormalities and a potential tumor in her liver- we decided to just move her to Joyce's in St. Cloud, MN for hospice care.

Her chest X-ray was clear- aside from a bad case of bronchitis- but we know Maggie is in a little pain and our goal will be to keep her comfortable.

Thanks to Joyce for being so kind and helping her out."

Diary, This is something that no one expected. It explains why I'm tired and a bit cranky at times. My appetite isn't up to par, I just don't feel like eating right now. I really could use your help. If you could just take a minute and send some Setter Zen my way, I sure would appreciate it.

Illinois Birddog Rescue is making sure I have all the comforts I need and I don't know how to thank them for making me part of their family. They made sure I saw a Dr. right away. In fact, they detoured my road trip to my foster home and went right to the vet. They ran all sorts of tests, blood work, x-rays and I wasn't scared. I kinda' had a peace come over me. A feeling like someone cared about me!

It would of been easy to say "no" in taking me in, but they don't believe in refusing anyone. And I'm a perfect example. Now you can see from my picture, that I'm no Spring chick, and probably not adoptable either, but none of that mattered to them. So if I can ask for any thing that can help me and the many others needing medical care, I ask only this; Please, if you can, Sponsor Me or one of the other special needs dogs, or even a few dollars will help offset mine and their medical bills. I sure didn't expect this to be my final resting place, but I'm sure glad there was someone that wanted me, because as the days go on, I think I will need them more than I know.

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